Road infrastructure needs to be safe, practical and meet the needs of different types of road users. In particular, the way road and road-side networks are planned and designed is one of the key contributors to improving road safety. Road infrastructure investments which are well-planned and constructed can be effective in delivering a safer and more secure network, translating to reductions in road trauma and improving road safety outcomes nationally.  

Road expenditure datasets identify specific sections along the network which have undergone maintenance or upgrades. 

About the data 

Project data is prepared by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) to show indicative funding locations for selected Programs administered by the department, which include Commonwealth funding. 

This map displays alternate views of investment (spending) data, representing these by Program and ongoing project status. This dataset is refreshed regularly, and this map will contain the latest published information for these infrastructure works. 

For further information about this underlying dataset and projects receiving funding through the department’s investment programmes, refer to the download data section. 

Download data


Information displayed on this map is derived or captured from multiple sources which may not be fully current, may be outside the control of the department, and may be of dubious accuracy. Neither the department, nor any agency, officer, or employee of either nor of any information provider warrants the location accuracy provided herein. The data underlying the map may become inaccurate at a fine scale and should not be relied upon. 

Have a question or feedback?

Contact the Road Safety Data Hub team