Safe Roads
1,187Deaths per yearbetween 2016 and 2020
458Deaths per yearfrom run-off-road crashes between 2016 and 2020
Over 50%Fatal run-off-road crasheshappened in areas with a posted speed limit of 100 km/h or greater
65%Fatal run-off-road crasheshappened in regional Australia
Safe Vehicles
169In the 12 months ending December 20231.2% decrease Compared to the 12month period a year earlier
89In the 12 months ending December 202312.7% increase Compared to the 12month period a year earlier
87In the 12 months ending December 202311.2% decrease Compared to the 12month period a year earlier
18In the 12 months ending December 2023No change Compared to the 12month period a year earlier
Safe road use
0.6% positive random breath tests in 2022Total 10.6 million breath tests vs 10% positive roadside drug tests in 2022Total 460,000 tests conducted
11% Police-issued finesvs 89% camera-issued fines in 2022Total 4.6 million fines
14% Police-issued finesvs 86% camera-issued fines in 2022Total 362,000 fines
33% Police-issued finesvs 67% camera-issued fines in 2022Total 77,000 fines

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